When we perceive a crowd of people, must our visual system serially examine each person, or can we rapidly percieve the summary or gist? What, if any, side effects might result from a encoding a crowd as an individual percept?
Research Scientist
When we perceive a crowd of people, must our visual system serially examine each person, or can we rapidly percieve the summary or gist? What, if any, side effects might result from a encoding a crowd as an individual percept?
Tim Sweeny: Vision Science - UC Berkeley
Steve Haroz: Computer Science - UC Davis
David Whitney: Psychology - UC Berkeley
Timothy D. Sweeny, Steve Haroz, David Whitney
Vision Research 2012 (pdf)Perceiving group behavior: Sensitive ensemble coding mechanisms for biological motion of human crowds
Timothy D. Sweeny, Steve Haroz, David Whitney
Journal of Experimental Psychology: HP&P 2012 (pdf)